Monday, June 17, 2013


Paduka PariNayam.

Vasishta desiring to inform Rama that the first son of the IkshvAku race have only become the King, narrates the descendants of the Clan starting from Brahma as Creation started from Him in this universe.

The Surya clan has its origin in Brahma. From Him was born Kashyapa-> Marichi-> VivasvAn (Surya)-> Manu-> Ikshvaku-> Kukshi-> Vikukshi-> BaNa-> AnaraNya-> Prithu-> Trishanku> DundhumaRa> Yuvanasava-> Mandhata-> Susandhi-> Dhruvasandhhi-> Bharata-> Asista-> Sagara-> AmshumAn-> Dilipa-> Bhagiratha-> Kakustha-> Raghu-> DharmAthapAtha-> ShankhaNa-> Sudarshana-> Agnivarma-> Shighraga-> Maru-> Prashushruva-> Ambarisha-> Nahusha> Nabhaga-> Aja-> Dasaratha-> Rama, the 35th descendant in that order. 

The spiritual instructors of a man are his mother, father and the teacher.   Mother and Father bless with the body and Soul while the teacher instructs him in wisdom, he is therefore superior and is equal to God Himself. The word 'Guru' means dispeller of darkness. By lighting knowledge in him, the darkness called ignorance is driven out.

Being the spiritual teacher to His father and to Rama, Vashishta urged Him that obeying his words, Rama will not transgress the path of the virtuous and hence shall grant the prayer of Bharata. 

Anguished by Rama's reply that the command given by their father cannot be disregarded,  Bharata decides to sit in 'dharna' (prAyobavasam) to exert pressure on Him.  Such a step resorted to by Brahmins to recover their dues, Rama said is distasteful of  kshatriya's conduct. Bharata then requests Rama to allow him to remain in the forest and fulfill the vow on His behalf. Rama rules that out again, saying it a discredit to Him. 

At last, appreciating Bharata's virtuous stand, Rama assures that He shall rule the earth assisted by him, after returning from the forest.
Bharata agrees to Rama's proposition and requests Him to offer His Padukas to carry Her to Ayodhya and instal Rama's rule under Her Grace. Rama agrees to it and offers His Padukas, the golden Sandals that adorn His feet, to Bharata.

Sri Vedanta Desika, who has written 1000 verses in praise of Sri Ranga Paduka, counts Bharata, for the said reason, the first among the Rama bhaktas, in the following words:
Prdamo dAraNa Bhakti bAjAm, Bharata: 

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