Monday, June 17, 2013


Jai Sri Ram.

Atheistic ideas of Jabali countenanced by Rama:

Jabali luring Rama to accept the Kingdom that which is offered by Bharata, with the sanction of the Sages, aged and due approval of the people of Ayodhya, advocated strong atheistic sentiments much to the dislike of Rama Himself.

Refuting Jabali's words Rama strongly denounced his propagating the ignoble, un-truth, dishonest and the un-righteous ethos in society under the guise of reverence to God or saintly piety.

Why we are born? Why should we under go sufferings of different scale and magnitude compared to others? Will our life end with this birth? These are some of the questions constantly asked ever since man started searching for his Self. The theory of Karma and rebirth best explain the cause and effect of one another.

This world again is full of disparities though not God's intent. These disparities stem out of our deeds in the previous births both good and bad. There are certain truths that do not meet our eyes like the individual Souls (Atmas), the Universal Soul (ParamAtma), the good deeds (PuNya) and the evil ones (Paapa).

The sacrificial offerings in YagAs and Yajnas as well as the feeding of Brahimns for the dead and the water oblations performed in their name are all fraud perpetuated by vested interests, the atheist claim so. How can one feed for another? They ask. 

It is true that what one eats here actually does not satisfy the appetite of another some where else. The SAstras do not claim so. However, the happiness caused to the Lord by such actions in obeying His commands in various Scriptures is shared by the DevatAs or the deceased ancestors without the need for our offerings reaching them directly. 

So, gift, sacrifice, oblation, austerities performed as ordained in scriptural texts have the foundation in Truth. And this truthfulness permeates in the Spirit universally, which Good-men vow to practice and the God's do appreciate. 

The three inputs that result in any action are the mind, tongue and the body.    
Those who practice Truth with the help of the three attain fame, prosperity and fortune to the  liking of the whole world, so to say will be blessed by mother Earth, Goddess Lakshmi and the wise men alike.

Sin being an anti-virtue is four fold in the form of  pAthagam, Upa-pAthagam, anu-pAthagam & Maha-pArhagam which issues out of mind with deliverance in words or deeds.

Covetousness, forgetfulness and pride destroy the bond of morality while the virtues say truth, piety, valour, compassion for all beings, polite speech and worship of Brahmins, Gods and  Guests are the paths to attain the highest realms.

Rama therefore said "A firm promise has been made by me in the presence of my father and Queen and mother Kaikeyi rejoiced it.To go back on that promise is like the act of men of evil deeds fallen from Truth". So He would do the virtuous act what is desirable in the realm of actions. 

The words of Jaabali again as a non-believer were spoken by him to pacify Rama and to persuade Him to return to Ayodhya but himself a believer none the less.

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