Monday, June 17, 2013



Bharata invites Rama back to Ayodhya.

Dasaratha's queens eager to meet Rama again approached His hut along the banks of the river Mandakini and Sage Vashishta followed them suit. The bathing ghat facilitated by LakshmaNa for Rama and Seetha to frequent there and the INGUTA PINYAHAM offered to the King in ceremony caught their eyes. While Sumitra felt proud of LakshmaNa's services, mother Kausalya wept in pain pitying the King to have been served with the forest grown wheat and fruit bowl deprived of a royal serving. Sumitra consoled her stating that the food eaten by man is also consumed by his Gods meaning Rama too has the same for His. This agonized her further in grief.

Kausalya and others then proceeded further and saw Rama in his hermitage, who resembled an Immortal deprived of life in Heaven. Rama on seeing them rose from His seat and fell flat on the feet of all His mothers. Following Rama, LakshmaNa and Seetha touched their feet in obeisance. Rama and Bharata then paid salutation to Vasishta and rest of the elders.

Rama, LakshmaNa and Bharata seated next to them shone like the three sacrificial fire, Garhapatya, Ahavamiya and Dakshina with expectations ripe on everybody's face as to what persuasive words Bharata would utter to Rama for His return to Ayodhya.

The night passed off with difficulty lamenting. Next day after finishing the daily offerings, every body assembled again and Bharata initiated the talk telling Rama that the Kingdom gaven to console KaikEyi, he is returning to His enjoyment without hinderance. Blessed are the ones on whom others depend for life. However difficult for me, who depends on You for life, said Bharata to Rama comparing himself to a donkey against a horse in gait and an ordinary bird against Garuda in flight.

Consoling Bharata, Rama replied philosophically that death is inevitable for every living thing and that they should not grieve for their deceased father. That Bharata should go back to Ayodhya to take up rulership there in keeping with the command of their father and that Rama himself would  stay back in the forest, as desired by both their parents.

Rama drawing a parallel to the logs of drift-wood floating on the ocean that  go toghether for a span, He argued that so also wives, children, kinsmen wealth and property come together for a while and part inevitably, a hard realism in Life.

Bharata not convinced yet said: "the sinful act committed by my mean mother for my sake during my absence, was not to my liking and This transgression of righteousness by the King need to be reversed. (Hence) be gracious to me.

Let all the king's ministers along with Vasishta and other priests crown you here itself. You, having been crowned thus, may proceed to Ayodhya along with us to rule it.Else if you disregard my entire request and move again into the forest from here, I too will go along with you", so pleaded Bharata.

The people of Ayodhya rejoiced  Bharata's stance and equally were distressed at Rama's firmness of resolve to abide by the words of His father.

Speaking of destiny and the Will of God prevailing in shaping life in this world, Rama prodded on the need of obedience to his father's will and conclusively opined that Bharata should act in conformity to his own nature.

Bharata's nature (swaroopa) being Paaratantriyam conforming to that of a Sishya or Daasa, he shuns Swatantriyam coming in the form of rulership but as it is against Bghagavat sangalpam at this juncture, it fails to fructify.

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